Strategy-minded and client-oriented, our civil litigation team has extensive expertise in a broad array of business-related disputes concerning Business and Corporate Law, Contract Law, Civil Liability, Intellectual Property, Court-Assisted Reorganization, Asset Recovery, Arbitration.

To secure an effective favorable outcome, we handle not only litigation matters but every legal implications of ongoing court cases to design a results-driven strategy including accurate risk contingency (risk sources), cost assessment, forecast on dispute outcome and matching litigation strategy.

Experienced in high-volume dockets, we act to combine our clients' own policies and the best legal practices towards superior financial results. We strive for settlement alternatives, in and out of court, to cut down ongoing court cases.

We have a strong presence in the corporate and education market, representing clients along the stages of credit recovery, from debt settlement to debt collection or write-offs, in and out of court.

Rua Loefgren, 1057 | Conj. 1403 | Vila Clementino | CEP 04040-030 | São Paulo | SP
Tel. : +55 (11) 5908.4600