Employee and Labor Relations
Greco, Rodrigues, Vizentim has extensive practice in Employment Litigation, representing clients with great exposure to legal liability and handing specialized, high complexity cases. Through strategic, tailor-made case management, we aim to mitigate risks and provide accurate, objective information to our clients.

Representing business clients of all sizes, we have great expertise and a track record of success pursuing a wide range of litigation proceedings such as motions to annul penalties in compliance violation notices, motions to review compliance terms, class actions, collective bargaining agreements, and high-impact cases such as individual claims brought by directors and officers.

Our litigation team has taken part in a number of special projects, some under the supervision of special-purpose committees, to promote out-of-court settlement, financial closing of litigation cases and credit recovery of escrow accounts, with very relevant results.

Our regulation services include representation in compliance proceedings and penalties imposed by the Brazilian Department of Labor, inquiries by the Labour Prosecutor's Office, and appeals before the social security authorities in compensation claims arising out of occupational accidents.

We directly guide clients in designing and remediating compliance issues in routine tasks in partnership with the in-house legal team and Human Resources departments. We strive to find and address the root cause of contingencies towards more effective dispute resolution and business-oriented results.

We also provide clients with customized litigation reports with in-depth analysis, latest case status, contingency and provisions; employment agreement for directors and officers; designing and implementing variable income policies; employee retention programs; Profit-Sharing schemes; Supervision and Strategic Plans in occupational accident cases; termination risk assessment to investigate faults; among other services in employment relations, in keeping with the latest case law and regulations.

Rua Loefgren, 1057 | Conj. 1403 | Vila Clementino | CEP 04040-030 | São Paulo | SP
Tel. : +55 (11) 5908.4600